Sunday, March 13, 2011


*To all three readers of this blog, please know that I am not ignoring you. Okay, I am a little bit. The lack of posting is due to a little tiff that the computer is having with the camera. They are not currently on speaking terms,but when things simmer down all sorts of blogging hilarity will ensue. Or not. Depending on if you think pee is funny. Or marker faces. Or tree climbing. Well, now that I read that, hilarity may be stretching it, so things will just return to normal. You know, silly stories with sub-par photos.

*We are settling in well. Found a great church. Went to a baseball wives bible study/luncheon. No one tried to kick me out for being a Mrs. Coach. Going to try to hit the bible study again next week. Also going to try to be on time to said study. Apparently Scottsdale Bible Church has two locations. (Ahem, Google!?!?!).

*Andy and Lainey made a run to Lowe's a few nights ago and came home with a gym membership, for me. Probably not going to let Andy out without proper supervision anytime soon. Went to the gym the next day. Probably going to spend a lot of time there. Two hours free childcare = mama can read, lay out by the pool, work on the computer, shower, read exercise in peace and quiet. My trainer's name is Kimberly. I have an appointment with her on Tuesday to assess my strengths and weaknesses. And to find out what my goals are. I'm pretty sure she's going to hyperventilate or cry or both when I tell her my goals are to walk a mile on the treadmill in less than 15 minutes, take a shower and then eat lunch in the awesome cafe. Every day. All in a span of two hours. I like to live on the edge. Pray for Kimberly. Noon on Tuesday. Mountain Standard Time.

*Guess what happens on daylight savings morning when you're on Mountain time? Your "smart phone" changes anyway and your husband jumps outta bed in a panic yelling. He then proceeds to dress, find his keys and flee the scene in less than two minutes all the while informing me that IT'S 6:30, I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THERE AT SIX!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CLOCK?!? WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BACK-UP ALARM?!? WHAT HAPPENED.... I didn't catch the rest of it because he was already backing out of the garage. Muttering to himself. Turns out he was right on time. Except he hadn't brushed his teeth. Or shaved. Or peed. Kind of a rough start to the day. And me? I started playing words with friends, because hey! it's already 6:30 and the girls will be up any minute. Only it wasn't. It was 5:30. Crap. And Lainey slept til 8:30. Stinker.

*Might be taking the Littles to an ENT or Allergist. Or both. Little ladies have an ear infection (again, and yes, they do these things together). This is their 5th in 6 months. I was really hoping that the warmer weather would nix the drainage (snot) which leads to the otitis. It didn't. They are the only kids I know that get runny noses 5 days into antibiotics. Bless their hearts.

*The Wildcats are SEC champs. I love March Madness. I do not love the west coast's television coverage of the beloved Wildcats. Special shout out to BooMama who pointed out that I could watch the first two games on And even congratulated me on their first win in the tourney. Even though she's a Mississippi State fan. Bless her heart.

*Heartbroken for the people of Japan. Praying for peace in this time of mourning and recovery. Thankful that all of our friends who are playing ball over there are safe and sound. (One of them was standing on the pitcher's mound when it happened!)

*I have no more news. I need to cut coupons before the girls wake up from nap time. Couponing? Yeah, that's a post in and of itself.

The end.


  1. I heard that you joined the gym, yay! I can't wait to go back when the kids are healthy again. I have a feeling that I might go there one day just to nap on the couch in the locker room :)

  2. Congrats on surviving the move! I can't wait to keep up with all the happenings in AZ.
